Monday, May 14

Ten Ways Personal Finance Blogging has Helped Me

Lazy Man and Money suggested this topic and it called out to me, so I have compiled my list. Hope you enjoy it!

Ten Ways Personal Finance Blogging has Helped Me

  1. It is a call to action – I feel like if I procrastinate too much on taking some financial step I will be letting my readers down.
  2. There is a sense of community – there have been times when the words of encouragement from readers and other bloggers have put a smile on my face when things aren’t going right.
  3. I am building a history – my blog is close to reaching its 100th post and I find it very interesting to look back at previous months to see where my interests have been.
  4. I am learning from other bloggers – reading other blogs regularly is like a free personal library, and often brings up points that I haven’t thought of.
  5. I love the feedback on my posts – the comments that are left on the topics that I am writing about have been supportive, humourous, insightful and expansive.
  6. I am understanding myself better – daily writing serves to clarify my thoughts on many topics and helps me to learn how I think and react.
  7. There is a sense of accomplishment – I have had to be committed, remain focused and continue to strike out in new directions. Meeting these challenges is a thrill in itself.
  8. It has opened up new horizons – before I started blogging, there were many areas that I was unaware of. By participating in the blogosphere I have become aware of opportunities and options that are completely new to me.
  9. It is a creative outlet – I am stretched an challenged by the act of communicating my thoughts in such a way that it is meaningful to myself and others. This leads to creative and lateral thinking and I believe that I am stimulating my brain more.
  10. It has led to better financial habits – I have organized my accounts better, consolidated a lot of information in a single place, instituted better tracking and paid more attention to my personal finances than ever before.

I must add that I am very glad that I started personal finance blogging. I think it has been a very positive thing for me to do!


GIV said...

Considering you're the kind of person for whom "impulse buy" refers to shares in BMO, I'd say you had pretty good financial habits to begin with... :)

But this is as good a list as any I've seen about the advantages of personal finance blogging

MG (moneygardener) said...

I concur with many of your points.

Promod said...

That's a great list, MD. How do you find time for daily posts with a day job ;)

I'm amazed at how introspective and articulate bloggers are.

What about the ways that blogging hurts you? My list would include the lack of comments after a post I think is particularly good :(

the money diva said...

Thanks all! I really like this list and I'm glad other agree.

I think I might skip the hurting post though, promod... we all feel the pain sometimes but I'm not sure I want to scare any prospective bloggers off that way!


CanadianInvestor said...

I enjoyed this post. I've certainly found the main benefit is that I am learning a lot since being public imposes the discipline to explain and justify.

Blogging means I can do what I want, when I want, addressing topics that mainstream financial journalists may ignore.

Reading other blogs inevitably gives me plenty of ideas what to write about or research further for myself.

I believe that there is also an unstated friendly competition among bloggers to do the best job that I think pays off for both bloggers and readers.